Importation of Photovoltaic Equipment

Rely on our team of specialists to import photovoltaic equipment for industrial, commercial, or residential use.
Importação de equipamentos fotovoltaicos

Incentives and tax benefits in the importation of solar equipment

Several tax benefits are offered in the importation of solar panels in Brazil.

With TIPI (Table of Incidence of the Tax on Industrialized Products), the IPI and ICMS rates for the importation of solar panels are set at 0%.

Regarding II, as there is no equivalent national production of photovoltaic equipment, it is possible to obtain a temporary reduction in the rate through the Ex-Tariff regime.

Let's talk about your importation needs?

Advantages of importing via Trading


We specialize in the systematic part of importation. This part is responsible for issuing documents with competent authorities, negotiating with suppliers, service providers, national and international logistics.

Grande volume de importação

Due to our large import volume, we have developed the best opportunities for your business, with a differentiated pricing schedule at Ports and General Warehouses, as well as security in tax, fiscal, customs, and exchange planning.

Benefícios fiscais

We enable processes with Fiscal Benefits in ICMS and PIS/Cofins Monofásico, generating cost reductions in operations and, consequently, more competitiveness and increased profit margins.

What is needed for importing?